How Well Do You Know Your Feet?

As the colder months settle in, it’s the perfect time to curl up in cosy pyjamas, pull on a pair of warm socks, and relax by the fire. But while you’re enjoying the comfort of the season, have you thought about your feet? They’re the unsung heroes of your body, supporting you every day, yet often overlooked when it comes to care.

Why not take a moment to focus on your foot health with our fun and informative quiz? It’s a quick and easy way to find out if you’re stepping in the right direction with your foot care or if it’s time to improve your routine. Whether you’re dealing with dry skin, aches, or simply want to keep your feet in top condition, this quiz will give you insights to help keep your feet happy and healthy all year round.

Take the quiz and discover how much you really know about caring for your feet!

Foot Facts

At what age do people’s feet stop growing

A. 14-17
B. 22-25
C. 30-33

Answer: A. Normally, foot growth plates (cartilage that turns into bone) fully harden and feet stop growing when girls are 14-15 and boys 16-17.

What’s the total number of bones in each foot?

A. 9
B. 16
C. 26

Answer: C. As Medical News Today emphasises, feet are ‘highly intricate’. Each foot has seven tarsals at the rear, five metatarsals across the middle and 14 phalanges in the toes.

How many sweat glands are found in your feet?

A. 50,000
B. 150,000
C. 250,000

Answer: C. Feet have more sweat glands than any other body part. ‘They secrete all the time’ to keep skin supple, explains the Royal College of Podiatry. To avoid foot odour, wash your feet daily and store footwear in a well-ventilated area.

Foot Care

What is the key ingredient to look for in foot cream?

A. Salicylic acid
B. Synthetic urea
C. Shea butter

Answer: B. Synthetic urea is intensely hydrating and moisturising, so a cream containing it should be part of your home foot care kit. Salicylic acid exfoliates and shea butter softens feet, but synthetic urea is transformative.

How often should you cut your toenails?

A. Fortnightly
Every six to eight weeks
C. When they dig into shoes

Answer: B. Toenails grow about 1.62mm per month – cutting them every six to eight weeks stops them becoming uncomfortable. They grow three times slower than fingernails so need cutting less often.

What’s the correct way to cut your toenails?

A. Straight across
B. With curved edges
C. Any shape as long as they’re short

Answer: A. Cutting toenails straight across doesn’t disturb their growth pattern and therefore helps to prevent them from becoming ingrown and requiring toenail surgery.

Socks and Footwear

What’s the best material for socks?

A. Polyester
B. Cotton
C. Merino wool

Answer: C. Merino wool socks insulate feet but are also breathable (unlike polyester) and excel at wicking away sweat without getting soggy (unlike cotton).

Are flat shoes kinder to feet than high heels?

A. Yes, always
B. Not necessarily

Answer: B. High heels damage feet by forcing them into unnatural positions. But poorly designed flat shoes with flimsy uppers, thin soles and no arch support are just as bad – they’re linked to pain, inflammation and strained muscles.

What are custom-made orthotics for?

A. Improving foot function
B. Strengthening shoes’ toe boxes
C. Adding extra grip to shoes’ soles

Answer: A. Our London podiatrists create custom-made orthotics to suit your feet’s unique shape and needs. They support feet, distribute pressure evenly, relieve pain and correct abnormalities to improve foot function.

Common Foot Problems

What proportion of the population has athlete’s foot?

A. 2%
B. 9%
C. 15%

Answer: C. Athlete’s foot is extremely common, affecting up to 15% of people at any given time. This fungal infection spreads via contact with contaminated skin/surfaces and causes an itchy rash. Visit our London foot health clinics for effective treatment.

Is it safe to ignore discoloured toenails?

A. Yes, it’s just a cosmetic issue
B. No, discolouration is a warning sign

Answer: B. Never ignore discoloured toenails – yellowing means you may have a fungal nail infection. With our fungal nail treatment, you can stop the toenail crumbling and prevent bacterial infections.

What does verrucae needling treat?

A. Heel spurs
B. Verrucae
C. Gout

Answer: B. Verrucae needling is a popular treatment that punctures foot warts to expose them to immune regulators under the skin, prompting your immune system to eradicate them.

Foot Health Quiz Results

How many questions did you answer correctly?

  • 0-4: It’s sensible to pay more attention to your foot health. Checking out more articles on our podiatry blog is a step in the right direction.
  • 5-8: You have a good understanding of your feet, but there’s room for improvement, so read up on subjects you found tricky.
  • 9-12: Your foot health knowledge is impressive – but there’s always more to learn…

London Foot Health Experts

Wherever you stand on foot health, our London podiatry experts are ready to help you. We provide comprehensive foot care, treatment and advice at five London podiatry clinics.

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